
Why should I donate my old clothes?

  • Donating your clothes is a great way to get rid of clothes you do not wear or which no longer fit. With donation, you can give them to a cause that is meaningful to you.
  • It keeps textiles out of the bin and gives your unwanted items the chance to have a second life.
  • Charity shops play a key role in shifting the fashion industry towards a more circular model.
  • They encourage people to buy second hand, and give space to a seasonless, slow fashion model.

What should I do with my clothes before donating them?

Before donating your clothing, make sure all items are clean, dry and sealed in a bag or container specified by the charity you are donating to. If you have recently worn something that you are now donating, wash it before you put it in the donation bag.

How can I donate my clothes?

Use our search feature to find your nearest clothing donation bank to donate your unwanted clothes.